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Learning about Interviews

The biggest lesson that we took away from this project was how we were able to run affective and clear interviews.

New York City

How to Perform an Interview

Click through these slides to get an idea of what were talking about.

Creative Analysis

Preparing for an interview

Preparing for an interview firstly means taking time to thoughtfully consider your goals and qualifications relative to the position and employer. To accomplish this, you should perform research on the company and carefully review the job description to understand why you would be a good fit. Let’s look at the steps to preparing for an interview J


1. Carefully examine the job description 

While preparing for the interview , you should use the employer’s  job description as a guide. Description of job  is a list of the qualifications, qualities and background the employer is looking for in an ideal candidate. On the other side, the job description may also give you ideas about questions the employer may ask throughout the interview.This supply for  you an advantage in the interview.


2. Think about it  why you are doing this interview  and what is your qualifications for this job

Before your interview, you should aware  of why you want the job and why you’re qualified. You should be prepared to explain your interest in the this job and why you’re the best person for the role, to convince your employer.


3.Perform research on the company 

Researching the company you’re applying that  is a most important part of preparing for an interview. Researching the company as much as possible will give you an edge over the competition. at the same time  totally preparing for an interview will make you confident.

 Here are a few things you should know before you walk into your interview:

→Research the product , service or company

It's critical to know features about all the product or service the company produces and promotes. you should have a basic understanding of the main products, services and processes the company offers. Basic understanding of the main products services and processes the company offers. Shows that you are genuinely qualified and ready to fulfill the responsibilities if you get the job. Here is tip for you .You don't need to understand each and every detail, especially if it's a technical product, and you're interviewing for a non-technical position.

→Research the company culture

Nowadays, companies usually have social media accounts , webpage and blogs that shows their company culture. This informations can give you an impression of the type and personality of the company, as well as what they value. it's important that you need to be fit within the company culture and share a similar personality and values.


4. Practice your speaking voice and body language

It’s important to make a positive and lasting impression during the interview process. You can do this by practicing a confident, strong speaking voice and friendly, open body language. Pay special attention to your smile, strong handshake and stride. You can practice these in front of the mirror before the interview.


5. Prepare a couple of questions for the interviewers

You should  prepare several questions for your interviewers that show you’ve researched the company and are well-versed about the position. Many employers feel confident about candidates who ask questions about the company and the position.

Couple of examples for you ;

Can you describe a daily work routine of your employee?

What are the characteristics of your most successful employees?

What are the ways you follow in crisis management or do you always make second plan?


6.Get Your Interview Clothes Ready

Regardless of the type of job you're interviewing for, that first impression should be a great one. When dressing for an interview for a professional position, dress accordingly in business attire. Have an interview outfit ready to wear at all times. For men, this might mean a suit jacket and slacks with a shirt and tie or a sweater and button-down. For women, a blouse and dress pants or a statement dress is appropriate.

Anchor 1

Being the Interviewer

Anchor 2

Interviews matter, in this text we focus on why interviews are important as well as the steps you can take to conduct a successful interview. If you want to know how to succed  an in person interview in a way that meets your purpose and feels natural, just follow these steps.


1.Research the person

You should know as much as possible about the person you're interviewing so you go into the interview feeling prepared and in control.  Look up as much relevant information about the person as you can, and try to find some recordings of in person old interviews with if possible. This will help you have a sense of the person's personality and interview style, and to adjust your interview accordingly.


2.Clarify your purpose 

Before you prepare your interview questions, you should understand your purpose for interviewing the person.. Whatever your purpose, your questions should help you meet your purpose. If you're very clear about your purpose , you'll also be able to keep your interview more focused and to make sure you don't drift off-topic.


3.Prepare questions

You should prepare questions that are flexible, open-ended. Here is a tips for you;

→ Don't ask any "yes" or "no" questions or questions that can be answered in just a few words.

→ Ask just one question at a time. Asking more than one at a time will overwhelm your interviewee.

→ Ask questions that are relevant to your purpose. This is an important point. You can make them creative as long as they meet your needs.


4.Stay Quiet and Listen Carefully

Don't dominate the conversation. During the interview you should only talk 20-25%. Your goal is to interview the person, not to talk about yourself as much as you can.

During the interview, don't interrupt when the person speaking. Instead of that from time to time you should nod your head like nods. 

This shows the person you are interviewing that you are in the moment and that you are focusing on the person you are interviewing. This technique makes the interview more intimate so that the person being interviewed feels more comfortable and open to communication

In addition , If you don't understand something the person says, don't be afraid to ask. Maybe you learn unexpected information from interviewee


5.End of the interview 

Thank the person. You should sincerely thank the person for taking the time to talk with you and for being so patient and answering your questions.

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